Reader in Pharmacy Practice (Cardiff University) and Research Lead for Choose Pharmacy (Digital Health and Care Wales)
Dr Efi Mantzourani joined the School of Pharmacy in 2011 as a lecturer following a distinction on an MSc and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, succeeded by a career in community pharmacy. Her career has a strong focus on empowering the next generation of pharmacists to provide a holistic healthcare approach, providing patient-centred care underpinned by evidence-base. Dr Mantzourani’s position as Research Lead for Choose Pharmacy in Digital Health and Care Wales and her mixed clinical and scientific background helps her understand the challenges surrounding digital health, clinical and professional practice and inform her teaching and scholarly activity; such integration fosters development of students as competent and confident reflective professionals.
She has developed an expertise in developing, implementing and evaluating pharmacy services. Her scholarly activities have provided an evidence-base to the Welsh Government for commissioning of pharmacy services, which have transformed professional practice. Dr Mantzourani’s nation-wide interdisciplinary research project evaluating a pharmacy-led Sore Throat Test-and-Treat service, enabled by point-of-care-testing technologies, has led to the increasing UK use of point of care testing in antimicrobial stewardship and to the recognition of community pharmacists as alternative healthcare professionals for managing patients with symptoms of uncomplicated sore throats in international guidelines.